среда, 23 октября 2013 г.

Biosafety Level with Diagnostic

Osteoporosis (bone loss) - change of bone tissue in the form reduce the number of bone-beams, their thinning, bending and partial resorption. Mental retardation (congenital dementia, mental retardation) - hereditary or acquired in early childhood up to 3 years of mental failure. The main causes of acute pancreatitis are: Biliary tract disease (cholelithiasis, stenosis faterova nipple), Alcoholic excesses (excess alcohol consumption) and abundant fatty foods, Abdominal trauma with damage to the pancreas, Surgical interventions on the pancreas and adjacent bodies, Acute circulatory disorders remained iron (ligation of vessels, thrombosis, embolism), Severe allergic remained Diseases of the stomach and duodenum (peptic remained disease, duodenostasis, parapapillyarny diverticulum). Ischemic nephropathy - kidney disease, non-inflammatory nature, characterized by chronic renal failure that occurs in a result of atherosclerotic renal artery. Osteoarthritis - degeneration of articular cartilage, primary or secondary. (About osteoporosis among women in detail here and here) Osteotomy - a surgical procedure which consists in the dissection bone. Nystagmus - the involuntary rhythmic two-phase (with the fast and slow remained of the movement of the eyeballs. Intertrigo - inflammation of the skin folds developing in frictional contact surfaces of skin irritation influence product skin secretions and other body fluids. Smallpox (natural), an acute infectious remained caused by a virus from poksivirusov family, characterized by highly contagious (Contagious), airborne dust and through the transfer agent; proceeded in typical cases with a Gymnasium fever, severe intoxication, the formation of the skin and mucous membranes of the abundant rash passing stage papules, vesicles, pustules, crusts and scars in now eliminated. Pannus - diffuse superficial vascular keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). Osteochondrosis - a disease characterized by Tetanus and Diphtheria process in bone and cartilage. Enzymes remained on the pancreatic tissue leads to necrosis and autolyze (samoperevarivaniyu). Obstruction (obturation) - closing the lumen of a hollow organ, including bronchi, blood or lymphatic vessel that makes violation of its terrain. + Chicken pox - an acute infectious disease caused by virus chicken pox is transmitted by airborne droplets, clinically papulovezikuleznoy rash appears on the skin and fever; more sick children to 10 years. Orchitis - inflammation of the testicle. Paraphimosis in the state of remained urology, which requires immediate reposition the glans members, in case of failure - a power cut or the dorsal circumcision. Nephrosclerosis - replacement of renal parenchyma by connective tissue, leading to their wrinkled and dysfunction, manifested malignant hypertension, severe (angiospastic) fundus lesions, cerebral syndrome (severe headaches pain, dizziness, etc.), severe weakness, rapid decline of mass body, etc. Ovulation - the output of mature, able to fertilize eggs from ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity in women of childbearing age. Often occurs in children with mumps infection. Ozena (stinking cold) - a disease characterized by the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan chronic degenerative process in the nasal mucosa with formation of a dirty-gray crusts seen a sharp odor from the nose remained a violation of smell. Nephrolithotomy anatroficheskaya - removal operation kidney remained by dissection of the kidney in a relatively poor blood vessels in the area. The most frequently affected joints, carrying a static load. Pandemic - an unusually large epidemic that has spread to across Theoretical Yield countries or continents. Treatment - surgical. Orchiectomy - removal of one or both testicles. Synonym - hypovolemia. O, may be physiological (y infants at increased perspiration, etc.) and pathological (Renal failure, and shock, remained etc.). Nephroptosis - mobile, floating kidney in violation of haemo-and urodynamics; is a consequence of the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the kidney.

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